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Squid ink tagliatelle, spanner crab ‘Bolognese’, First Harvest Salmon Pearls


  • 200g cooked Squid Ink Tagliatelle
  • 100g raw Spanner Crab Meat
  • ½ bulb fennel
  • 2 small white onion
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 200mls white wine*
  • 700mls Tomato Passtata
  • Dill and chives to garnish
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 75mls Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 50g First Harvest Salmon Pearls


To make the sauce, in a food processor, blend to a fine paste the onion, garlic and fennel with half the olive oil. Now transfer to a large frypan and on low heat, slowly cook this mixture for 5-8 minutes. It will be translucent and fragrant ( add a little extra oil if required, but you don’t want any colour on the vegetables). Add the white wine and increase the heat to simmer the white wine until reduced by half. Add the tomato passata and simmer for 5. Minutes to reduce the sauce slightly. Add the raw crab meat and cooked squid ink pasta and cook for a further 2-3 minutes until crab is cooked through. Season with lemon juice, salt and cracked pepper.

To serve, place a small nest of pasta in the bowl topped with extra sauce and First Harvest Salmon Pearls. Finish with chopped dill, chives and a splash of Olive oil.



  • Please note, this recipe is not Halal Certified
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